Honeywell Voyager 1400g handheld scanner, retail, PDF 417, omnidirectional, IR bar code sensor, Code...
Configuration of device: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/ b/g /n, Bluetooth, 28-key, 4313 Laser, Standard Battery, S...
USB kit: tan scanner (4225-38), straight direct connect head cable (2.4 m/8´), documentation
Configurația dispozitivului: Wi-Fi 802.11a / b / g, Bluetooth, tastatura numerică ANSI cu 32 de tast...
Honeywell baterie de rezervă. Se potrivește microFlash 2te
Imprimanta industriala Honeywell EasyCoder PM43, tiparire termica si termica. Rezoluție 300 dpi, lăț...
portable data collection device, 2D, imager, speaker, Cam (5MP, auto-focus), 12.7 cm (5''), USB (mic...
Honeywell Voyager 1400g handheld scanner, retail, 1D, imager, PDF 417, IR bar code sensor, CodeGate ...
Configuration of device: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth, 28-key, 4313 Laser, Memory 512x512, Exten...
KBW kit: tan scanner (4225-47), coiled direct connect head cable (1.65 m/5.4´), documentation
Configurația dispozitivului: Wi-Fi 802.11a / b / g, Bluetooth, tastatură numerică ANSI cu 32 de tast...